toy collab with prism mirror lens, lollipops with a fun new gameplay function of colouring a pet's tongue! and the first two of my oddballz conversion project - honker and modvark - are now available. happy oddball breeding or hexing!
new texture set made from pics of coffee, hexing base for 6-legged catz.
happy worst month of the year. sorry august fans. updated archive, put up another hexing base and also miku, and a new texture set made from pics of noodles.
clothes drop, a few simple sets i'd been working on finally tinkered. petz 4 only, sorry!
finally caught up on my texture backlog. i've gotten into making them again! i sorted my texture page into 'generations' because every once in a while my method for making them changes and it feels better for my brain that way.
really obsessed with hexing this month. finally updated my archive with loads of new files i've been making, put up some new overwrites i've been messing with and 3 new hexing bases.
i hexed a neopets aisha breed with collar and all :] and also hexing bases if you want to colour your own.
put up a set of dog overwrites where all i did was edit linez... does anyone even want that?
hexed a quick little addball toy with objwirez, i'd like to make more of those!
part 2 of yesterday's update, tabbies+ V2 is out! i wanted to release them last night, but i was struggling with them a bit. but they work now! if you liked tabbies plus please try out the cleaned up new version! i also uploaded the petz 3 and 5 conversions of the sweetheart dal overwrite.
remember when i used to update this website regularly. i don't
put up my newest dali overwrite that has been waiting for 2 months, and updated a few of my catz overwrites with nicer textures because their textures were ugly so if u have bred with them in the past i urge you to swap out their texture folders for the fresh ones. essentially the same but nicer values, so they zshade better. that's all...
if ur still waiting for the p5 conversions of my advent set from last year, i am too. maybe i'll do that this month? <--(famous last words)
phantasmagoria has undergone mitosis and the babyz content that was once temporarily hosted here has now moved to it's own site, leveret. go check it out!
updated archive with my new dragon hex, and uploaded it as well as two other files as hexing bases! i aim to make much more of my work public this year, sharing is caring and all that. the retexturable tiger had been circulaing discord for a bit, but now it's easily available for everyone. enjoy!
texture sets be upon ye.
happy new year, petz community! updated my archive with all files hexed last year and (hopefully) each individual recolour i did. so many!
finally added my showroom as an overhaul of my former crew page, it's catz only for nowbut that's what i mainly show anyway... i also added a page for babyz clothing downloads along with a first addition, a set of space suits. made some minor organization changes and restorations on the resource page.
it's christmas. tigers be upon you!!! on the petz & breedz resource page! go and get your own phantasm tiger right now. please?
updated archive with my newest file (that has been seen thus far), added a seperate section in my archive for my one of a kind custom hexies i've been making, and added 8 more babyz texture packs. petz versions coming soon!
happy (somewhat belated) petz community advent season! sporadically adding more textures here and there. sorry i am obsessed with making them.
every time i'm stressed i make 1 external texture (25k+ new textures uploaded)
i woke up the other day with an immense need to make a tabby-striped calico overwrite because it existed in a dream i had. so that's on here now. enjoy!
new pages today! added a section of copy-paste lnz bases for clothes (just sweaters for now but check them out!) and a little page of miscellaneous hexing tips.
also, it's gumbo and heila's turn to be on the front page now. say hi!
hello everybody unfortunately my breedfile era is still not over. i am still obsessed with variations. put up an oshie overwrite today with lots of recoloured textures! more stuff TBA at some point, i have quite a bit of stuff half-finished i just need to get it 'publish' ready yaknow. eventually... for now i am handing you more catz.
another small clothes set drop, for P4, conversions will follow later. yeah that's it. i'm running out of things to put in the changelog, but i'm still alive! for now!
more tabby content from your official petz community tabby overwrite guy... i made a fun rainbow sparkle cat version of my overwrite! ok, well, i had lots of help.
phantasm tabbies plus are now public! so they're like the previous tabby overwrite i made, but with way more stuff. i wanted rosetted tabbies and then it all really spiralled from there. my absolute biggest breedfile project to date!
a cat-heavy update: i finished my "frosted" splotchy tabby OW today, made a 2nd tabby OW today on a whim because hyperfixation will do this to you, and i also (finally) put up my pride collab breedfile with mortis! lots of catz with lots of paintballz.
happy pride month besties! put up some new clothing items, a bunch of silly boppers. the entire phantasm clothing backlog has also been converted to both petz 5 and 3! finally caught up!! for reference, that's 70+ more items i did for petz 5 today...
i was thinking about zott today so i finally updated my old zott conversion file. it's got more accurate personality values and waaay more spot colour variations now!
have you ever wanted 4000 more external textures? ...yes? you've come to the right place at the right time. i have a new process of half-automating texture recolours and went crazy playing with that. i also fused the original and recoloured texture pages into one, all my externals are on the same page now. having them seperate was silly.
4/20 update lol (technically it's already the next morning for me, but not everywhere)
put up an addball soda can and some goofy breeding overwrites no one really asked for. more clothes soon-ish? i have them modeled, just need to make some nice recolours.
i've finished creating my first ever breeding overwrite, a dalmatian with mutating spots that only come in as they age. these were a lot of work and a frustrating learning process, but i am proud of the end result!
i realized the hard way today that my playscene pack was not playtested enough by encountering crashes in my own gameplay, i have now fixed the petz 3 version's broken files and updated the download accordingly. i'm unsure if anybody had been using them but if so, i am very sorry about that! i rushed getting them all done after the petz 4 versions and just assuming something works instead of testing is never ideal... oopsie
fixed the lack of great danes in my archive to appease the petz gods
added a new page for playscenes, i put up a whole set of nighttime playscenes for petz 3 and 4 to use with the incredible ezloader! this had been on my to-do list for ages.
the crew café is now up to date again... somebody remind me to stop adopting new petz
put up more clothes done as requests, thank you so much to everyone who is supplying ideas. petz 3 + 5 conversions are following eventually but please be patient with me this month in general, my life is quite literally just falling apart
phantasm 3.0 is live! please refresh your cache if you've visited recently. the overall aesthetic is still the same, i just am on a constant journey of being able to execute it better with skills i learn along the way. i rewrote a good majority of the site from the ground up (yes the html was that bad)... as for actual updates, i wrote a tutorial on addball clothing AND have an actual real browsable crew page set up now (please take a look, it took a really long time) oh and i added new midis to my secret page...
happy new year besties... added a page for pet hex bases, go wild with these - let this be another reminder that everything publicly downloadable here is completely open to edit, recolour stuff all you want. added new clothing again, a bunch of glasses i made based on a friend's ideas and also a ton of petz 3 conversions of older work. the clothes i made for the 2022 WW advent with conversions are finally up and i also finally made proper images for those that only had placeholders for the time being. enjoy!
big clothing update, a lot of new stuff from my request thread, nearly everything i've ever made has been made petz 5 compatible! big compilation of internal petz assets on a new page, not sure who's going to need that but it's there. minor wording and stamp changes. more soon, i've still got a bit more that needs to go up and more new images to make, but i am absolutely done for the day. zzz
finally had some motivation to both make something and put up some more stuff that's been waiting. new clothing items and a breedfile but all of it is really silly. also, the existing variants in the archive should finally be up to date now, sorry i keep neglecting that!
happy belated new year, a secound time now! i really just keep saying "soon" and then not following through... huh...... anyway, more layout changes. slowly getting rid of the sloppiness. this isn't all - i have files to update still but i'm pretty busy so that'll take a bit more time.. bear with me?
i'm finally back and it's time for phantasm 2.0... i didn't like the old layout so i impulsively made a completely new one because i'm insane. there's also some sporadic new bits of content here and there from the past few weeks that i didn't actually write into the log because i forgot... i still have more to add soon
do not have a lot of time for this site at the moment, so updates are slow as you can see. put up a new page with a quick guide, about customizing carrying cases in petz 3 and 4, here.
happy belated new year... 2 more crew petz added, and i put up the clothes i hexed for the advent with p3/p5 compatibility and some new recolours thrown in! i finally figured out an easy way to convert stuff for other versions, and wrote a quick guide on that too.
updated archive files and taken colours, added more crew members, added the 'fixed DLL textures' page to resource. have a look if the ugly green stuff on cali2.bmp bothers you!
new crew additions, minor wording fixes, 1 additional hidden stamp as suggested by a friend (it's now 10!) and some more 'content' on a certain secret page :}
the first ever version of phantasmagoria is finally live! after preparing stuff for around a year, it's finally out there. this is technically the 2nd version of the site, but we won't talk about my first attempt... i'm really a beginner at html and such, but hopefully that'll be forgivable for a petz site? i've literally always wanted to have one and i'm happy enough with it for now!